Moroccan High School Diploma Equivalent in USA


Map of Morocco

(Map of Morocco)

Coming to USA from Morocco could be tough.

Especially when you're asked to have your foreign high school diploma evaluated for employment, militray application, or education.

However, high school diploma in Morocco can be different from an U.S. one. That's why you need a high school diploma evaluation to determine its U.S. equivalent.

We'll take a deep dive into Moroccan high school diploma equivalent in USA below:

1. Secondary Education in Morocco

Secondary education in Morocco typically covers the ages of 12 to 18 and is divided into two cycles: the first cycle and the second cycle. Each cycle lasts three years:

Lower Secondary Education

Lower Secondary Education is typically referred as Cycle collégial in Morocco.

This is the first stage of secondary education and covers three academic years (typically ages 12 to 15). Students study a variety of subjects, including mathematics, science, Arabic, French, and Islamic education.

Upper Secondary Education

Upper Secondary Education is called Cycle qualificant.

The second cycle of secondary education covers three academic years (typically ages 15 to 18).

Students have two options to choose from that conclude with exams for:

2. What’s foreign high school diploma evaluation?

Foreign high school diploma evaluation, aka Foreign Credential Evaluation is a service provided by professional evaluation agencies to evaluate educational backgrounds, test scores, professional experiences, etc. obtained outside the United States.

It's an essential procedure for foreign nationals, who are seeking higher education, work authorization (H1B), immigration status, employment, and military recruitment in the United States.

Since your foreign high school diploma may be called different in your own language, the purpose of your foreign credential evaluation is to make your foreign diploma equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma. Therefore, the immigration officer, military, your future employer or school can have a solid understanding of your educational background.

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3. Moroccan high school diploma equivalent in USA

Baccalaureate is equivalent of completion of High School Diploma in USA.

As mentioned earlier, at the end of the second cycle of secondary education in Morocco, students in the general track take the Baccalaureate examination, also known as the "Bac."

It's a high-stakes exam that determines a student's eligibility for higher education. The exam includes subjects like mathematics, science, literature, and philosophy.

With the certificate of Baccalaureate, students are eligible for admission into a bachelor’s degree program in a recognized (accredited) institution of higher education in Morocco.

Therefore, scoring well on the Baccalaureate is crucial for admission to universities and colleges.

4. How to validate a foreign high school diploma in USA?

Typically, when you search for “foreign high school diploma evaluation near me”, you could use these lists to find out a trusted credential evaluation agency to assist you:

They can all meet your needs for employment, immigration, and education.

If you live in Florida, California or Texas, we also listed the following educational evaluators for you:

Overall, there are many credential evaluation agencies that can perform your international transcript evaluation. However, it’s essential to ensure that the chosen evaluation service meets your needs for immigration, employment, military, education and more. The requester may also have specific requirements, such as needing a course-by-course evaluation or a general document-by-document evaluation.

For more information, click “Where to Evaluate International Degree in USA [Ultimate Guide]

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Further Information about Credential Evaluation

A credential evaluation mainly includes 2 types of evaluations:

with the purpose of making your foreign high school diploma equivalent to US degree or educational equivalency evaluation.

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